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Pollution essays

Pollution essays

pollution essays

31/1/ · Essay on Pollution; Types, Causes, Impacts & Solution Pollution is anything that makes our environment dirty. It renders our land, water and air harmful for the living being. It has increased over the course of human progress, especially during the past blogger.coms: 1 Pollution 4 Pages Pollution can be defined as any undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of the natural environment. It is the result of harmful substances or energy released through human activities. Pollution occurs in different forms; air, water, soil, radioactive, noise, thermal and light 24/12/ · Pollution Essay A lot of factors like industrialization, inefficient garbage disposal, littering, etc could cause pollution. A number of factories are set up near water bodies for the ease of operation and the waste produced by such factories as bumped into the water bodies. It is extremely harmful if the water is consumed or blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins

Essay on Pollution in Words- Types, Effects & How to Reduce

Education, Technology, pollution essays, Festivals. Pollution is dangerous problem that pollution essays earth is facing today. Pollution is defined as the contamination of the environment by harmful substances. The substances that pollute environment are called pollutants. All types of pollutants contaminate the natural surroundings, disturbs the balance of ecosystem, pollution essays, affects the normal lifestyle, gives birth to several illnesses and cause global warming.

All these issues are caused by pollution, pollution essays. The bounties of the mother nature are wasted by human activities. The development and growth in the pollution essays of science and technology has benefited human potentials and human lives but people have become prisoners of their own creations.

Not only humans but all living forms are at risk due to increasing rate of pollution. There are many types, Causes and impacts of pollution. It is very significant to know all types, Causes and impacts to find solutions to control this global issue of pollution.

Air pollution is one of the deadliest form of pollution. It is caused by the smoke, pollution essays, dust and harmful gases. Human activities have made air contaminated and the survival of all living beings have become difficult on earth. Specially the burning of fossil fuels, mining operations, exhaust from industries and factories, Agricultural activities and combustion of methane gas are the pollution essays air pollutants.

Every day tons of chemical substances are added into air due to wanton activities of humans. The deforestation is the most significant cause of air pollution. Trees purify the air and cleanse the impurities of air but trees and forests are cleared away so air pollution is increasing.

It has left very alarming effects on the health of humans. Many respiratory diseases and heart problems are caused by air pollution, pollution essays. Apart form it acid rains and global warming are product of air pollution. Air pollution has depleted the ozone layer, pollution essays. Air pollution can be controlled by planting new trees and saving the trees.

Save trees to Save life on earth. Air pollution can be controlled by reducing the use of vehicles. Instead of using cars and motor bikes adopt public mode of transportation, pollution essays. Use of bio-fuels like CNG and biogas can help prevent air pollution, pollution essays. The presence of toxic chemicals, contaminants and pollutants in the soil is called soil pollution.

The soil pollution is mainly caused by industrial activities, dumping of waste disposal, improper agricultural activities, acid rains and oil spill, pollution essays. The fertilizers and pesticides used in excess destroy the pollution essays of soil. All pollutants have made soil infertile and barren and fertility is lost. The soil pollution affects the wildlife, plants, animals pollution essays humans, pollution essays.

The quality of ground water is also affected by soil pollution. It lowers the water table underground. To help stop land and soil pollution we all need to work individually, we must buy biodegradable products which can be recycled easily. There must be recycling pollution essays inorganic materials.

The use of pesticides and insecticides must be reduced. Along with public awareness programs there is need of Anti-Littering campaigns pollution essays let people know the ill effects of Littering. Water is the vital natural resource of humanity. The addition of harmful substances pollute pollution essays water. We are polluting water without thinking of this precious resource. Harmful substances make water unusable.

The key causes of water pollution are industrial wastes that reach water bodies, accidental oil leakage, marine dumping, chemical fertilizers and pesticides, animal waste, sewage, radioactive wastes and urban development. Apart from it there is wastage of water. Water is wasted uselessly. All living forms on earth are suffering from many water borne diseases.

Dirty and polluted water cause diarrhea, pollution essays, indigestion, cholera and many other ailments. Due to water pollution there is scarcity of pure, fresh water. The agricultural activities are also affected by the shortage of water. The most effective solution of water pollution is to aware people and to make them realize the importance of this natural resource. Generating consciousness among masses pollution essays help save water.

There must be ban on the disposal of harmful materials and industrial waste into the water bodies. The high ups must ensure the check and balance on the water bodies pollution essays protect and save water.

The excessive illumination in any area is called light pollution. The artificial lights in excess cause light pollution. The ecosystem is disrupted due to light pollution. Many living creatures are suffering because of light pollution. The routinely life of many mammals, amphibians, insects, birds and plants is destroyed due to light pollution.

Light pollution destroy nitrate radicals that help the dispersion of smog. It make smog more worse. Light pollution can be controlled by using artificial light little, artificial bulbs and lights must be lit when necessary. Unnecessary illumination of houses and buildings must be banned. It is mainly caused by industrialization, household chores, social events, transportation and construction activities, pollution essays.

The main cause of noise pollution is the ignorance and unawareness among people. They deliberately ring horns of vehicles and use generators and machines which produce sounds. The loudspeakers and civil engineering works produce too much unpleasant sounds which cause disturbance in the lives of humans and animals.

Noise pollution leads to hearing problems, it causes partial deafness, pollution essays, it causes sleeping disorders, many health issues specially cardiovascular issues are caused by noise pollution. Noise pollution also cause trouble in communication.

Many animals have become victim of loss of hearing due to noise pollution. Noise pollution has left many psychological negative impacts on humans. Impaired hearing and deafness is increasing among people. Noise pollution causes annoyance which results in blood pressure variations which can lead to coronary diseases. Noise pollution can be controlled by enacting law or legislation against those who produce unwanted sounds in the environment.

All the factories and industries must be established away from residential areas and airports and bus stands also be kept away from areas where people live. It is caused by improper transport of radioactive chemicals, all nuclear power plants are the house of radioactive pollution. Those who work in power plants should handle radioactive material with good care because the radiations can destroy the cells and cause immediate death.

Radioactive substances trigger mutations in the genetic materials of living organisms which leads to cancer, pollution essays. Plastic is a non-biodegrade substance which is very harmful for all living forms.

Plastic waste generated in the world has destroyed marine ecosystem. All humans and animals too loves to see clean and green spaces and beautiful Vista which attract eyes. Unfortunately the greenery is lost, all forests cleared away to make roads and to establish factories and industries and to spread the network of electric wires. There is garbage and trash all around. The visual pollution leaves devastating impacts on the psychology of humans.

It causes diversity in opinions and cause eye fatigue. Pollution is one of the biggest problems caused by human activities. It is high time to take notice of this problem and work collectively to combat this issue.

Pollution is addressed widely by environmentalists, we all must also participate in the campaigns to stop pollution. All components of environment like Air, Water, soil etc are essential ingredients pollution essays life. All living forms on earth need pollution free environment to live. The future of all living organisms is at risk due to pollution. It is evident that our wanton activities have polluted environment.

Toxic substances in our environment have diminished the purity of air, water and land, pollution essays. The main factors leading to environmental pollution are human generated, pollution essays. Pollution is pollution essays most immediate threat to our environment and has became a global issue.

There are a number 9f human induced activities those pollute the natural resources like air, water and soil. Humans have invented automobiles, set up factories, cut down forests to make way for roads, littering waste disposal in water bodies, these are the very activities pollution essays humans that has spread pollution and caused global warming. Pollution is a big threat to whole world, pollution essays.

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Pollution Essay in English for Students | Short Essay on Pollution

pollution essays

Essay on Pollution – Sample 1 Pollution had existed long before humans evolved. For instance, volcanic eruptions commonly pumped massive amounts of sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere, causing acid rain: the greenhouse gas, ozone, forms from natural, photochemical reactions in the blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins 10/12/ · Pollution Essay: Pollution is one of the most commonly discussed topics in recent times. It is not only a threat to nature but also to all its creations. Pollution refers to the introduction of hazardous substances to our life-sustaining environment. It Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins 31/1/ · Essay on Pollution; Types, Causes, Impacts & Solution Pollution is anything that makes our environment dirty. It renders our land, water and air harmful for the living being. It has increased over the course of human progress, especially during the past blogger.coms: 1

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