Thursday, May 20, 2021

Personal odyssey essay

Personal odyssey essay

personal odyssey essay

May 08,  · May 8, by Essay Writer The Odyssey Analysis and Personal Narrative As Homer once said in The Odyssey, Even his griefs are a joy long after to one he remembers all that he has wrought and endured. Some people make changes look so PERSONAL ODYSSEY ESSAY. Assignment &EVALUATION FORM. This is YOUR personal odyssey—the story of a journey—literal or figurative—of a goal you worked hard and struggled through various challenges towards, an experience—including temptations, trials, or obstacles—from which you learned about yourself and life May 25,  · Homer's Odyssey is a complex set of both personal and cultural relationships between many characters. The main characters involved are steady and fiercely loyal to what they believe to be right, even when these things contradicted some societal ideas. Homeric culture demanded a high level of attention be paid to social norms and standards

The Odyssey Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

The title itself has become a commonplace word synonymous with any journey. Write your epic as you would any story, personal odyssey essay.

To allow your voice to emerge, write naturally and plainly. Identify your tone early on, whether tragic or comic. Use concrete details when describing personal events. The length of your odyssey will depend on how much of the source material you use. For example, students of Wenatchee High School in Washington State are expected to produce at least 12 pages for their personal odyssey, including narrative text, illustrations and a map.

Alternatively, your odyssey may be a novel. Every significant event in the narrative prevents Odysseus from achieving this goal. To parallel this structure, define the goal of your odyssey from the onset. Maybe your Ithaca is your childhood home or that trip to Paris you really want to take. It can be a literal place or a metaphoric one representing an intangible goal, such as happiness, personal odyssey essay.

Envision your goal as a polestar, toward which your narrative always moves. Everything that happens comes between you and this goal, personal odyssey essay. Through strength and cunning, Odysseus escapes, though the Cyclops later appeals to his father Poseidon to punish the hero.

Whatever your Cyclops, be descriptive in chronicling its defeat. For example, you personal odyssey essay write, "My one-minded boss staggered back when I told him I was quitting, my letter of resignation the final blow that rendered him speechless.

The Sirens represent temptation. Identify a major temptation in your odyssey, something dangerous and irresistible that, if not avoided, will lead to your demise. Your sirens could be certain friends who are a bad influence and draw you away from your goal.

Describe how you beat temptation. For instance, regarding pizza, you might write, "Though the yeasty smell of the dough and the savory smell of the sausage made my whole body quiver with hunger, I rose resolutely from the table, told my dining partners I would not wreck personal odyssey essay diet, personal odyssey essay hurried to the fridge to retrieve my tofu salad.

In a similar fashion, describe that last-ditch effort needed to secure your goal. Your goal is in sight, but there is one last challenge you must overcome, personal odyssey essay. Describe your final burst of determination and any feelings of personal triumph. Thus your epic will come to a close. Scott Neuffer is an award-winning journalist and writer who lives in Nevada. He holds a bachelor's degree in English and spent five years as an education and business reporter personal odyssey essay Sierra Nevada Media Group.

His first collection of short stories, "Scars of the New Order," was published in How to Write an Epic Novel. How to Write a Good Adventure Novel. How to Do Plot Development in a Quest Story. How to Write a Psychological Novel. How to Write the Opening of an Epic Poem. How to Write Your Own Personal Odyssey. Scott Neuffer, personal odyssey essay. Home » The Rewrite. References Wenatchee High School: Creating Your Own Odyssey Mill Creek High School: Odyssey Study Packet.

The Power of Personal Narrative - J. Christian Jensen - TEDxBYU

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How to Write Your Own Personal Odyssey | Pen and the Pad

personal odyssey essay

May 08,  · May 8, by Essay Writer The Odyssey Analysis and Personal Narrative As Homer once said in The Odyssey, Even his griefs are a joy long after to one he remembers all that he has wrought and endured. Some people make changes look so PERSONAL ODYSSEY ESSAY. Assignment &EVALUATION FORM. This is YOUR personal odyssey—the story of a journey—literal or figurative—of a goal you worked hard and struggled through various challenges towards, an experience—including temptations, trials, or obstacles—from which you learned about yourself and life May 25,  · Homer's Odyssey is a complex set of both personal and cultural relationships between many characters. The main characters involved are steady and fiercely loyal to what they believe to be right, even when these things contradicted some societal ideas. Homeric culture demanded a high level of attention be paid to social norms and standards

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