The key statement of Government multicultural policy is Multicultural Australia: United in Diversity (May ). It updates the New Agenda for Multicultural Australia, reaffirms its fundamental principles and sets strategic directions for multicultural policy for with a specific emphasis on community harmonyAustralian multiculturalism is the philosophy, underlying Government Summary The paper 'Multiculturalism in Australia' focuses on the multiculturalism that involves an ethic of respect for, and acceptance of community harmony, cultural diversity, and inclusion. The word originated in Switzerland back in where it Multiculturalism is about mainstream Australia, because mainstream Australia is multicultural. The immigration has influenced the Australian society in numerous ways (Carter , p. ). Australia experiences a brain gain, in that it records substantial net migration gains in all high skill and high qualification occupational categories
FREE Multiculturalism in Australia Essay
The different factors and consequences associated with the globalisation of Australian business have continued to allow it to progress and advance with the modern economy.
Since the s development of computer software and telecommunication have increased the amount of information and resources readily available for people and businesses in need. The increase level of knowledge and communication has provided Australian businesses with the opportunity to further develop their businesses and use the technological advances to provide their services and goods to a larger consumer market.
Australia welcomed multiculturalism to a moderate extent, then to a high extent during the second and third time periods respectively. The increase of migrants also resulted in Australia to become more secure as a nation economically, militarily multiculturalism in australia essay socially, multiculturalism in australia essay, which is what Australia needed. Australia made it easy for migration to happen because multiculturalism in australia essay more people migrated to Australia, multiculturalism became more accepted and Australia became more secure as a nation economically, militarily and socially.
The quickest and most efficient way to increase the population was by taking in migrants, which was why the government introduced the first migration program in Our cultural diversity has been a strength and an asset in our development as a nation.
Migrants in modern Australia create jobs and business opportunities and continue to add to the rich social and cultural fabric of Australian society.
Business Skills migrants create on average six new jobs and invest millions of dollars into the economy. They have brought new ideas and new technology to the areas of medicine, science, information technology, mining, primary industry and business. Their familiarity with different cultures, languages and lifestyles as well as how overseas business works has helped local companies compete in Australia and overseas.
Introduction Australia is a multicultural country where immigrants from all over the world immigrate to Australia. Immigration carries significant factors that affect the process of adaptation on an immigrant, multiculturalism in australia essay. The significant factors discussed further on are social factors, economic factors and cultural factors. The reason Australians can live a fair life is because of the democracy we live in.
Thank you of all coming to this Australian citizenship ceremony and special thanks to the new citizens of Australia. I hope you will understand why Australia is so patriotic, love having the sense of multiculturalism and freedom of speech and travel because multiculturalism in australia essay the democracy and laws created for fairness. The country of Australia has a lot to offer to anyone who decides to live here. Australians are a very welcoming country that takes in anyone who wants to be a part of the beautiful country.
There can be no gainsaying, as to the fact multiculturalism in australia essay Australia is not multiculturalism in australia essay a choice destination for many, but also houses some of the most beautiful cities in the world Bastian, As a matter of fact, Bastian continues to state that this change is strongly attributed to immigration, which continues to foster strong cultural and economic growth in Australia.
As Australia continues to open its borders to an increasingly diverse population, multiculturalism in australia essay, Australians themselves continue to open their minds to accommodate diversity in the form of new lifestyles, foods, traditions, values, beliefs and so forth Bastian, multiculturalism in australia essay, Globalisation is making the world increasingly interconnected.
Globalisation is making society stronger, by the sharing of traditions, languages and the ways of thinking across diverse cultures, which is illustrated in cultural diversity, the arts and social values.
Society has become stronger because of the increase in cultural diversity, multiculturalism in australia essay, mass global sharing of music for the greater good of the broader community, societies value of tradition being kept for centuries and the increased amount of access to media worldwide.
Australia is one of those countries which is so culturally diverse, with approximately 7 million immigrants from over countries having settled in Australia since World War II Henry and Kurzak, These improvements in technology helped expand modern Opera in Australia to reach more middle and working class people, and the rest of the world.
middle of paper A-list celebrities and role models, such as Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman, who are known and revered worldwide.
The higher class can afford to be more influenced by the appearance and decorum of these celebrities, while the middle and working classes are more influenced by the personalities and characters these celebrities portray. Any student studying abroad should know about the aspects of modern day culture and how it affects the different classes of their host country. It is also important to note the class culture overlaps in popular culture because these aspects of popular culture connect all people nationwide, regardless of class.
The industry activities have been demonstrated a general positive trend in the economy and it has already become the inherent part of economic development. In host countries, tourism has led to such positive consequences as the improved infrastructure. Understanding how to effectively communication with another culture is a crucial multiculturalism in australia essay of living in a multicultural society.
It involves the exchange of meaning between two parties multiculturalism in australia essay two differing cultural groups. In the modern world, it is virtually impossible to avoid communication with a member of a cultural society not your own, particularly in multicultural countries like Australia or multiculturalism in australia essay United States. Home Page Multiculturalism In Australia Essay.
Multiculturalism In Australia Essay Satisfactory Essays. Open Document, multiculturalism in australia essay. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. The Challenges of Multiculturalism and Immigration Multiculturalism is the ethnic multiculturalism in australia essay cultural diversity that exists within a certain area. Different countries display various forms of multiculturalism. The most common form of multiculturalism is whereby a citizen of a certain country is born overseas, or of the parents of the individual is born overseas.
English speaking countries have a lot of multiculturalism multiculturalism in australia essay them. Just like the United Kingdom, Australia has adopted multiculturalism as a national identity. My essay explores how Australia appreciates and accepts many different ethnicities and cultures.
The multicultural society in Australia multiculturalism in australia essay been shaped by different events. The production of the Snowy Mountain Scheme is one of the events that led to multiculturalism. The phenomenal project brought people of different cultures and races to work together and led to the growth and development of multiculturalism. This multiculturalism had a major effect in Australia, as it provided acceptable engineering and scientific knowledge and skills that led to the completion of the system.
This also led to the recruitment of immigrants from other countries with the skills that were required. Australia demonstrates the ability to absorb and take advantage of different cultures just like the United Kingdom. In the s, multiculturalism in australia essay, Australia experienced a major multicultural breakthrough. This was through the Gold Rush.
A huge number of migrants and immigrants were brought together in Australia. This brought a major challenge as it led to multiculturalism in australia essay in the gold fields.
This was a good lesson for the Australians as they learnt that people with different cultural backgrounds can stay together. In Sydney, the development of a multicultural environm Other factors that continue to shadow multiculturalism include racism, prejudice and social inequality. Multiculturalism has enabled the Australian society to underline the importance of higher values in life and idealism. It is caused by desire for a perfect social existence of the multicultural society in Australia.
In conclusion, Australia is one of the English speaking countries that have successfully attained a multicultural society.
This has led to attraction of visitors to the nation who would like to experience a multicultural environment. It is very positive to the economy as it encourages cultural tourism. Multiculturalism in Australia has contributed to the progress of the whole society like in the United Kingdom.
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Australia is a multicultural society. However, there are mixed feelings among the community about being multicultural. These conflicting viewpoints, stemming from things like the amount of education a person has, their upbringing, media exposure of certain race issues and the political nature of society, develop different attitudes towards multiculturalism · Expository essays term papers paper on to kill a mockingbird – atticus finch: atticus finch was a man who fought for what he believed in he was always. multiculturalism in australia essay Apush dbq ppt late 19th century imperialism in the task renta venta o al correo de yeso blanco minimally develops us history dbq essay rubric some meat,. The death of jesus christ was a sacrifice for · This essay will firstly give a brief description of Australian immigration history along with earlier policies and the phase of multiculturalism that was dominant for several decades as well as look at government practices and changes in immigration policies before during and after Howard government
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