Thursday, May 20, 2021

Definition essay on addiction

Definition essay on addiction

definition essay on addiction

My definition of addiction is a mixture of the chemical and behavior blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins "Addiction is a compulsive need to continue taking a drug as a result of taking in the past (Oxford English Dictionary)." Another definition of "addiction is a disease of faulty volition caused by a cognitive impairment that results in negatively valued actions or consequences (Campbell)." Definition Essay Addiction Addiction is a very funny topic, not literally, but just in general. There are so many different types of addictions and many question whether or not it is a disease. Addiction is a condition that results when you or someone else ingests a

Addiction Essay | Bartleby

There are different types of things people struggle with in life. Addiction is one of those major problems, topping midlife crisis and home foreclosure in my opinion. Every one around me drinks and smokes cigarettes, including people I do not know. The demographics for people who usually become addicted to drugs, cigarettes or alcohol resides in whether young people are properly communicated with by their parents.

Among addictions, alcohol and cigarette smoking are the two I definition essay on addiction be focusing on in this essay. However, the other types of addictions people struggle with today are, prescription drugs such as Vicoden and illegal drugs such as marijuana, LSD, Cocaine and Heroin.

The real reason people use and eventually become addicted to alcohol and cigarettes, or any other substance, is because people need to find peace and calm in their lives, they want to become accepted and they would rather ignore their problems than face them, which leads me to my next point.

Since the reason people become definition essay on addiction, to anything, definition essay on addiction, is because they are searching for peace and acceptance and they want to escape from their problems without trying to solving them then it can be said that a lot of people are facing addictions today.

Also, Many people are not perfect and have problems, so it goes without saying that anyone can become addicted. Especially when it comes to drinking alcohol. Some people believe that obsessive compulsive disorder, compulsive spending, hoarding, kleptomania, hypersexuality, over eating, and gambling, which are behavioral addictions, are the same as chemical addictions.

They believe this because they say chemicals are released when they are gambling for instance, that makes them want to do it again, definition essay on addiction. However, behavioral and chemical addictions have different meanings.

A chemical addiction has to do with doing something repeatedly because your body is craving a certain chemical. Prescription drug addictions, illegal drug addictions, Drinking addictions, and smoking addictions are all chemical addictions because they cause the body to crave either the drug, cigarette, definition essay on addiction, alcohol or certain chemical again and sometimes in higher doses.

A behavioral addiction, on the other hand, causes you to become addicted because it brings you happiness or a sense of calmness. A perfect example of this resides within the disorder OCD, which is having to complete actions a certain number of times to relieve tension Marks. No chemicals in the brain involved here. Also, a person can do something and like it the first time because it makes them happy, but not be chemically addicted, yet want to do it again.

Is that addiction? According to the definition of behavioral addiction, it is neither of those addictions unless it is done repeatedly. Once it is done repeatedly to the point of hurting yourself or someone else or any destructive behavior towards yourself and anyone else, then it is officially a behavioral addiction.

Then when your body can not go on with out that action of doing something because your brain has become used to the high now it is chemical. In this situation you have to define the word high that is experienced in these situations in order to fully understand the definition of chemical addiction. The high I am talking about is when synapses in the brain are being blocked. dopamine or other chemicals are is released. Since dopamine has nowhere to go it stays there and causes the high a person is experiencing.

Finally, once the synapses are open the person is back to normal. However the person might eventually want to feel that high again. My definition of addiction is a mixture of the chemical and behavior definitions. I believe that once an action to relieve tension, feel accepted, definition essay on addiction, or ignore a problem is repeated to the point of hurting yourself, someone else or any destructive behavior towards yourself and anyone else, then it is officially a behavioral addiction.

For example, people with a OCD disorder of washing their hands constantly and cleaning everything constantly have a behavioral disorder that takes over their lives. They may never leave the house because they are scared of the germs they will encounter. This idea prevents them from doing their jobs or going to school. To further examine this behavior one must look deeper than the surface of what is being done by the person who has the disorder. A person has to understand that their home becomes a safe place, a place they can be accepted by.

Therefore, even though this OCD disorder may not seem like such a harmful one, it is. Furthermore, only when your body can not go on with out that action of doing something because your brain has become used to the definition essay on addiction is it now a chemical addiction.

A perfect example of this is alcohol abuse. In fact some say moderately drinking can lower the risks of certain diseases. The truth is, alcohol may lower the risk of certain diseases but it can chemically affect the chemicals in your brain, definition essay on addiction, especially when someone directly related to you has abused alcohol. You then have a greater chance of becoming addicted to alcohol, definition essay on addiction. The purpose of knowing what an addiction is to know if you need help or someone else needs help.

It is good to know what the difference is between a person with a OCD disorder and a drug addict. A definition essay on addiction addict needs medication for one reason. However, a OCD patient only needs therapy in order to break their behavioral addiction.

If these two addictions are misdiagnosed as the other, or something else, the person could be harmed. Also, if nothing is done in the case of a chemical addiction, the person may harm themselves or someone else eventually.

Overall, definition essay on addiction, anyone can be addicted to anything at any time in their life. Whether is cigarettes, alcohol or washing their hands, it is an addiction when you cross the boundaries of hurting yourself and other people t get that feeling of calmness, security or acceptance.

My definition still stands as a mixture between behavioral and chemical addiction. The differences of these two types of addictions are important to notice because someones life can be in danger if the improper steps are taken to help that person or if no steps are taken. Some things that can be done to help chemical addictions or alcohol abusers are AA meetings along with family and friends support.

Definition essay on addiction may also be prescribed to the patient, definition essay on addiction, however. in this case it is very important to know if the definition essay on addiction is chemical or behavioral because the consequences can be dangerous. Therapy helps with compulsive disorders along with the support of family and friends as well.

Marks, I. British Journal of Addiction, — Natural High. This looks promising — you have a lot of good research here. Just makes sure in the end to articulate your own definition based on what you learned from your sources. You are commenting using your WordPress. com account. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email.

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Essay on drug addiction in english -- Essay writing -- Drug addiction essay

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Defining and Explaining Addiction essays

definition essay on addiction

My definition of addiction is a mixture of the chemical and behavior blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Addiction There are many definitions of addiction but we can universally refer to addiction as a primary, chronicdisease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry (“American Society of Addiction Medicine” Web). Addiction falls into various that 2/10/ · According to the website of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, it is a chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry, which is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by performing certain actions (ASAM)/5

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