26/6/ · We will write a custom Essay on War in Afghanistan specifically for you for only $ $11/page. certified writers online. Learn More. Besides involvement by the U.S., the British government also sent troops to Afghanistan. The Taliban and Al-Qaida have also had unending conflicts along the Pakistan-Afghan border. They both accuse each 13/5/ · Afghanistan’s Geography: Afghanistan is a country that is rich in history and war. Going back to early human civilization, many empires resided in this country. This country’s history is so vast some experts say that the relics and artifacts are just a grand as the artifacts from Egypt. Essay Afghanistan and Politics Words | 19 Pages Afghanistan Vs Vietnam War Essay Words | 2 Pages. The conflicts in Afghanistan and that of Vietnam are similar in the sense that, the United states was involved either financially or militarily against the spread of communism. After Afghanistan was established as an independent Country in the , around , a civil war erupted between
The War in Afghanistan Essay - Words | Bartleby
Since the invasion led by the United States in Afghanistan in the yearthe nation has suffered a lot of violence. The violence afghanistan war essay with the September 11 th attack on the U. by the Al-Qaida. Afghanistan was the origin of the attack and thus U. troops were deployed to Afghanistan afghanistan war essay the attack.
military then overthrew the Taliban government leading to retaliations by the Taliban which have hitherto resulted to high levels of violence in Afghanistan. Besides involvement by the U, afghanistan war essay. The Taliban and Al-Qaida have also had unending conflicts along the Pakistan-Afghan border. This is in spite of the fact that the two groups are unanimous about keeping U. troops away from the Pakistan border Norton 1. The Afghanistan war has had tremendous effects on the security strategies and policies of the countries involved.
This has led to prioritization of war intervention by both the U. and Britain. Both governments, therefore, feel obliged to win the war Borger 1. Recent events related to the war have raised serious need for intervention that has led to a number of suggestions for ending the war.
Taliban troops are increasing each day. This has raised a lot of concerns about the willingness of the Taliban to try diplomacy. In response to this, the U. has sent 30, troops to Afghanistan this year.
This afghanistan war essay led to a number of bombings, killing of militants and innocent civilians, killings of American and British militants carried out by the Taliban, afghanistan war essay, etc. Specific examples include the killing of civilians by a bicycle-bomb while receiving relief food, the British soldier who died on March 15,from wounds he sustained in the Helmand bomb, the 35 people killed in the March 14 th Kandahar bombing meant to be a warning to Nato etc. The Afghanistan war has, arguably, afghanistan war essay, escalated in the recent past due to the relentless efforts by the U.
and Britain to contain the situation Norton 1. The American-British strategy for fighting Taliban troops is, seemingly, the training of forces to take over Afghanistan.
However, this strategy is faced by major challenges since a lot needs to be done to change the prevailing situation. The change includes rebuilding Afghanistan from scratch, controlling the Taliban and establishing forces national army. These changes are challenging due to the presence of war, warlords and ethnic rivalries Borger 1. One of the rebel groups, Hezb-i-Islami, has suggested a diplomatic solution to the problem.
With the condition that the U. withdraws troops from Afghanistan by July, afghanistan war essay, the rebel group has offered to act as a mediator between the U. and the Taliban. However, the influence of the group on the Taliban is suspected to be limited.
However, the U. prefers to contain the situation slowly with the hope for flexible demands forced by the successes bound to be achieved by the 30, afghanistan war essay, troops Borger 1. The war in Afghanistan has claimed a afghanistan war essay of lives. It is the responsibility of the diplomatic community to find amicable solutions that will end the war for good. Britain and America should completely withdraw troops and exercise diplomatic controls on the Afghanistan to ensure their safety.
Borger, Julian. Norton, Richard. Need a custom Argumentative Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Select a citation style:. War in Afghanistan. Learn More. This argumentative essay on War in Afghanistan was written and submitted by your fellow student.
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Afghanistan Vs Vietnam War Essay Words | 2 Pages. The conflicts in Afghanistan and that of Vietnam are similar in the sense that, the United states was involved either financially or militarily against the spread of communism. After Afghanistan was established as an independent Country in the , around , a civil war erupted between 16/7/ · Argumentative Essay Nobody likes war; it is so costly in so many blogger.com are lost, property is destroyed, people are injured and some are disabled mentally and physically. Because of this many people think war must be avoided at all costs. All these facts regarding the high cost of war on a country are true. On the other hand there are situations in which a nation has an obligation to go to The War in Afghanistan Essay Words | 10 Pages. The War in Afghanistan has been an all consuming conflict for the US government since we started to launch air strikes on October 7, This is a conflict that’s been brewing since before the terrorist attacks on September 11,
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